►2x 600341-8261-000 stylus extension, M5, REACH CFX 1, DGE11, LE40
►2x 600341-8262-000 stylus extension, M5, REACH CFX 1, DGE11, LE60
►1x 600341-8424-000 stylus extension, M5, REACH CFX 1, DGE20, LE60
►1x 600341-8422-000 stylus extension, M5, REACH CFX 1, DGE20, LE100
►2x 626107-1100-100 stylus extension, M5, REACH CFX 3, DGE11, LE100
►1x 626107-1080-100 stylus extension, M5, REACH CFX 3, DGE11, LE80
►1x 626105-6280-040 rotary-knuckle-joint, M5, titanium, DG11, L40
►1x 600342-9002-000 knuckle joint, M5, titanium, DG11, L30 with screw
►2x 626105-6280-020 rotary joint, M5, titanium, DG11, L20
►1x 626119-0001-019 set of screws for cone adapter, M3 (10 pcs.)
►2x 602030-0222-000 pin wrench, DG5, DS2,9, L70 2x 626109-0013-000 hook wrench, DG20
►2x 626109-0012-000 hook wrench, DG11
►4x 626109-0035-000 torx wrench T6, angled, steel
►1x 602030-0021-000 hex wrench DIN 911, BSW 2,5
►1x 000000-0015-248 hex wrench DIN 911, BSW 4
►1x 600341-8002-000 cube, M5, titanium, B20
►2x 600341-8361-000 cube, M5, titanium, B20
►1x 626109-0016-000 screw for cube, M5, Inox, L20, ML20
►1x 626109-0015-000 screw for cube, M5, Inox, L20, ML15
►2x 626115-0050-022 stylus with thread, M5, shouldered, tungsten carbide, ruby, DK0,5, L22
►1x 602030-8061-000 stylus with thread, M5, shouldered, tungsten carbide, ruby, DK1, L32
►2x 600342-8020-000 stylus with thread, M5, tungsten carbide, ruby DK3, L33,5
►2x 600342-8021-000 stylus with thread, M5, tungsten carbide, ruby, DK3, L58
►1x 602030-9015-000 stylus with thread, M5, tungsten carbide, ruby DK5, L75
►1x 626105-0820-114 stylus with thread, M5, REACH CFX 3, ruby, DK8, L114